Positive-Impact Application

iOS & Android Mobile Apps | AWS Data Management Platform

Mobile Apps

Clean Oceans mobile app is designed for logging debris collection. The intuitive UI makes it easy to record multiple types of debris, while performing different activities. Once a cleanup has been recorded, the user can also take a photo and upload with the data. Login and sharing through social platforms are supported.

AWS Campaign Management Platform

AWS was used as the platform to host the web service and database for the back-end. The database (MySQL) holds all clean up information, Amazon S3 holds images that have been uploaded. Analytics and statistics are recorded, helping to map problem areas via location services.



Mobile app was created using the Ionic framework, for a single codebase deployed across both iOS & Android.


Cordova was used as the integration layer to interact with device components like camera and location based services.


EC2 hosted the server, and S3 was used for storage.


The web service for Clean Oceans was developed in PHP, and deployed on Apache server.

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